In many Family Law disputes, legislation either requires or encourages parties to mediate, rather than litigate. If no settlement can be reached the parties will continue to litigate, however, in most cases this will not occur and once a settlement is reached, the settlement can be made an order of Court. To see more about our services, please click on the links below
Divorce Mediation
Divorce litigation (in court) can take its toll both emotionally and financially. Negotiating a mediated settlement can reduce the time wasted in court arguments and the parties can come to an agreement much faster and at a much lower cost. A divorce (depending on whether children are involved and the complexity of the negotiation) can be finalised within approximately 4 hours by mediated consultations, plus preparation of the settlement.
Divorce litigation (in court) can take its toll both emotionally and financially. Negotiating a mediated settlement can reduce the time wasted in court arguments and the parties can come to an agreement much faster and at a much lower cost. A divorce (depending on whether children are involved and the complexity of the negotiation) can be finalised within approximately 4 hours by mediated consultations, plus preparation of the settlement.
Parenting Plans
Parenting plans are vital to lay the ground rules for unambiguous parenting rules for children of divorce. Most Parenting Plans are finalised within 4h - 5hours of consultations. Costs usually are shared between the Parties, depending on the complexity of the case and where the parenting plan is part of a mediated divorce, costs can be saved.
Maintenance can be a costly and extended court argument where no consensus has been reached in advance. Mediating around maintenance and providing maintenance calculations can be finalised within 2 -3 hours of consultations, dependent on the complexity of the case.
Arrears maintnenance can also be mediated.
Section 22 Agreements
These are parental responsibilities and rights agreements. This means that the mother of a child, or another person who has parental responsibilities and rights in respect of a child, may enter into an agreement which provides for the acquisition of such parental responsibilities and rights in respect of the child as are set out in the agreement, with the biological father of a child who does not have parental responsibilities and rights in respect of the child in terms of either section 20 or 21 or by court order; or any other person having an interest in the care, well-being and development of the child.
Post Divorce Mediation
Often people's circumstances change after the conclusion of a parenting plan or maintenance agreement which sometimes necessitates a return to the mediation table.
When parents are focused on obtaining the best for their children, being open and honest with each other and showing some level of understanding about each others' situation, a return to the table can mean a meaningful change in maintenance/parenting plan. It is a good idea to renegotiate or at least check in on the agreement and its efficacy at least every six months to a year.